Tag: gwbasic

  • Sparcie goes to youtube!

    I’ve been thinking about creating youtube content for years, recently I finally got around to trying my hand at content creation. The technical aspects I’ve had sorted out for quite a while as I’ve been involved in supporting the technical aspects of remote teaching for quite a long time. It’s…

  • Modern BASIC: PCBasic and QB64

    Last month I had intended to make the next Sparcstation desktop post, but unfortunately have been having trouble getting the software I had intended to cover to build. So that’s still in the works and today we’re going to look at something else interesting: modern implementations of old BASIC Languages.…

  • Making a new GWBasic game.

    When I was young I learned to code using GWBasic, a BASIC interpreter that came with MS-DOS 4.01. I’ve posted some code and talked about it in the past, but not really developed anything new, that is until today. I’ve re-written a game from scratch I had lost on a…

  • Gwbasic Demonstrates Chaos

    Back when in my late teens my older brother brought home a program that was supposed to demonstrate some of chaos theory. He originally wrote it in QBasic but I have reconstructed it here for gwbasic. It’s a fairly simple construction, you have an “Ant” which can move in any…

  • Floppy backup and some GwBasic programs

    This week my brother brought back all the remaining floppies we had at home for the purposes of backing them up. So I’ve been quite busy this weekend imaging disks and copying data. I have in the process discovered some interesting software that I forgot we had, and some I…

  • Trap for gwbasic

    On a personal note, I recently became a dad again for the second time! So I’m quite tired and may not be very good at writing something intelligent, and todays entry will be short. The game I’m talking about today is called trap, and was written by Bruce Brandt in…

  • Digger clone – Gwbasic game

    Here’s an old program I wrote for gwbasic back when I was a teen. I’ve added some comments to make it easier to know what’s going on, but back then I wrote a fair bit of spaghetti code. The variable names also tend to be difficult to figure out sometimes…

  • Gwbasic – my first programming language

    Gwbasic holds a lot of fond memories for me. I was about ten when dad gave me a book about programming in basic, and our computer, a 386SX with dos 4 on it, had gwbasic on it. The book I got was actually not even for the right platform. It…